Friday, January 22, 2010

Life is permanent, death is temporary.

Suicide is the most worthless action one might do. A bunch of thanks to dear God for making me realise the fact. But it was hard for suicidal committers to think rationally when putting an end to their lives. Seriously and honestly, i never blame them. People might have said they were out of their minds and even to have a small intention of committing it was ridiculous. So did they say. One question to those thinkers, have you ever had an empathy feeling? Have you ever heard of such sayings that sounded like "We were in the same boat" or "If you were in my shoes". Now, you might argue that those people who committed suicide had little faith in God and were not strong to face the tests from God. So did they think. To make it clear, i'm not supporting suicidal committers not encouraging suicide. I just need a second from dear thinkers to relax and think deeply of what really made the committers commit. Where were we when they felt so bad that the world totally ignored every single thing they did and said? Where were those family and friends we believed they were the closest to all human beings? The truth was, the loneliness literally killed them. They needed companions to feel that they belonged somewhere, to be sure that they were actually never alone. Now, each of us might want to be more careful with loneliness for the reality says that, it really kills...

POST SCRIPT: I mean no harm, I mean no danger. Peace!

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