Friday, December 30, 2022



    The year 2022 may have been a roller-coaster ride for many while others enjoy a smooth sailing journey. However it has been, we have all made it to the final month, according to the Gregorian calendar.

    In 2017, researchers Professor Joseph Le Doux and Richard Brown conclude that emotions are not innately programmed into our brain, but, in fact, are cognitive states resulting from the gathering of information. As normal human beings, it is nearly impossible for us to look back without being emotional as we think about how far we have come and how things have happened. Arguably speaking, when the end of the year comes, it is not about a happy or sad ending of yet another chapter in our life. Rather, it is about a blessed journey that tests us with challenges that come with hidden lessons.

    Oftentimes, challenges and lessons are associated with ordeals or tragedies. Friends, family and even strangers would tell us to stay strong and patient when we fail in examinations, get divorced or lose a loved one, for instance. Little do we realise that those experiencing euphoric moments are challenged too, although in a different way. It is a challenge for those who excel in studies to stay humble despite achieving something truly impressive after trying so hard. Those who get married need to contain their excitement instead of bragging about their perfect partners, believing that they are lucky in love, unlike certain people. And, those welcoming a newborn need to be sensitive and avoid making cynical or hurtful remarks that could offend childless married couples as the jokes are not funny. In short, overcoming challenges and passing the life tests with flying colours are about having self-control, empathy, maturity as well as respect towards others.   

      We should be grateful that we were born with two wonderful gifts; a mind to think and a heart to feel. Analogically speaking, when we receive  a present from somebody as a symbol of celebration or appreciation, it proves that we are someone special in the person’s life. Knowing this fact, we will cherish the present and use it well. Likewise, God would want us to enjoy and utilise the gifts by having a kind heart and a beautiful mind as we show our gratitude. This is a perfect reason for us to choose wise thinking over overthinking and reacting over overreacting. When discussing certain issues on social media or having a face-to-face conversation, we may feel temporarily satisfied after over-expressing our thoughts and emotions that could cause disharmony and misunderstandings, but it is just how life tests and tricks us with its game. Falling into the trap means failing the test. We have lost the game and regret would be the aftermath after the damage is done.

     Being the champion does not mean that we never make mistakes. It means that we strive to stay on the right track in this winding journey of life.