Friday, March 24, 2023



    It is not every day that we get to hear the name of a Malaysian being announced as the winner at the Academy Awards, and the moment our country was mentioned in the acceptance speech was the icing on the cake, thanks to Michelle Yeoh, an international superstar, superhero and superwoman who made history at the Oscars.


    The much-awaited Oscar win has not only put Malaysia on the world map, but it has also taught us plenty of lessons.


    Indeed, it is never too late to accomplish goals in life. As a matter of fact, it takes nearly a century for the Academy to discover and acknowledge our local talents.   


    It was not an easy win for Michelle as she has been in the global film making industry for decades. Her inspiring career journey and success story should make us realise that facing challenges are inevitable and the best way to overcome them is by walking through and moving on no matter how hard it gets. With sheer determination and patience, there will come a time when our tears of triumphs would wash away all the pain and misery that come with us throughout our journey.


    Also, we need to enjoy the process instead of waiting for successes to happen. As the philosophical law of attraction suggests, positive thoughts would lead to positive results. It is important for us to grow a positive mindset and believe that something good is on its way. To accomplish our goals in a short time may make us a smart person who gains immediate satisfaction, but  to experience delayed gratification made of blood, sweat and tears would make us a wise one. A winner might take it all, but a true champion learns all the lessons and live a better life.


Everyone is blessed with a fair share of bittersweet moments in life. Behind the cheerful expressions and good appearance of a person, there may be struggles that we know nothing about. Figuratively speaking, a book may tell a mind-blowing story, but some pages may be torn and dusty, distracting readers’ attention and affecting their levels of interest, but the beautiful ending makes them forget about all the challenging chapters faced in the process of reading. This is why we need to trust the process, focus on what really matters and avoid being judgmental. With this healthy mindset, it would be no surprise that someday, somebody from our homeland would win a Nobel Prize, making us all feel overwhelmed, just like the country’s sweetheart Michelle Yeoh did.




Wednesday, March 1, 2023



We all need to take a break from work, studies and everything else that makes us feel frazzled. The world will never stop keeping us busy so it depends on our smart strategy to ensure that we are physically, mentally and spiritually healthy as we strive for work-life balance.

I have been a workaholic for a long time and I believe many out there share the same boat with me. Sometimes, we need to compromise our health and happiness as we are snowed under with work even on weekends. Despite the fact that the efforts eventually paid off with awards and recognitions, one would still wonder if the entire process was actually worth it and healthy.

As I decided to slow down and take one thing at a time, I was blessed with a new friend who helped me enjoy life all over again. Off days were no more about perfecting some work as sharing stories over a good meal and going to the cinema sounded like better options. It was wonderful to experience the friendly gestures of handshakes and hugs once again when I almost forgot about the power of human touch and its ability to heal a weary heart and a worrying mind. Needless to say, it felt way better than the times I laid my hands on papers and computers while completing some work. Amazingly, the shared moments with a dear friend helped me with my anxiety and overthinking, and nobody would trade this peaceful state of mind for anything. This positive energy gave me freedom and confidence money couldn’t buy.


At times, life can be so serious, forcing us to be too hard on ourselves. But, let’s not miss the excitement of living meaningfully by connecting with those who would make us feel comfortable to open up. Funnily enough, we should thank those who have made us chuckle or burst into laughter with their silly jokes and playful behaviours, as they have successfully distracted our minds and helped us escape from never-ending worries and problems. And that’s what makes life strangely beautiful.