Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Wildlife Needs Respect, Protection.

The writer believes that a beautiful camaraderie
makes life a wonderful journey.

            Social media has become a technological advancement humans cannot live with or without. While some find it useful to stay connected with family members and acquaintances, others abuse it as a medium for illegal business activities, including trafficking wildlife, as reported recently. 

            This criminal act is only one of many efforts by insensitive individuals to destroy the richness and uniqueness of our ecosystem and the beauty of the world. Not only have they failed to value and appreciate wildlife but they have also denied these animals of their natural habitat. These culprits have, with or without them realising it, broken the simple rule of humanity; if you cannot love them, at least do not hurt them.

            It is scary how greed and materialism can cause humans to lose self-control, which leads to self-destruction, and keeps them from seeing the undesirable repercussions of their actions that they will face, sooner or later. These criminals, who believe in the cliché that "money is everything", may only aim to become rich using not-so-smart tricks and strategies, which later become regrettable mistakes. Sacrificing their morality and ethics, they insult human intelligence by manipulating and taking advantage of innocent creatures they are supposed to preserve and protect.

            We have lost many precious lush greenery and cannot afford to lose more, as it would be almost impossible and unimaginable to live without animals and plants, considering our coexistence on this Earth.  

            Mahatma Ghandi said: “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated”.

            As sensible and civilised citizens, we need to protect and conserve our flora and fauna, and help save endangered species by launching a campaign or reporting on any attempts at wildlife smuggling. We need to respect animal rights, just like human rights. 

Courtesy of New Straits Times,
8 April 2015

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