Saturday, February 21, 2015

VALUES (Men Need Women to be Successful)

The writer believes that a beautiful camaraderie
 makes life a wonderful journey. 

            Behind every successful man is a woman. This saying suggests that no matter how strong and independent a man thinks he is, he needs a woman to attain success. Some men, unfortunately, fail to appreciate women’s worth and their important roles in everyone’s life. This makes women victims of violence, harassment, abuse, stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination.

            Every year, there are reports on incidents in which women are abused sexually, physically and psychologically. A few weeks ago, a 30-year-old female civil servant, who was working overtime, was attacked by a male maintenance worker, leaving her traumatised. There are countless of snatch theft cases as well as sexual assaults and harassments happening every year involving children, teenagers and women. Worse, such despicable acts were committed by the victims’ families and relatives.          

            Women are worth more than their beauty and decency. They are to be adored, respected and protected by men. In this case, mothers are the perfect example. They have been our “cheerleaders”, who have always supported and believed in us since we were born. Mothers will always love their children no matter how naughty they are. As we respect our mothers for making us successful persons today, we should also do the same to other mothers whose children may have been our helpful friends, lecturers, colleagues and employers.

            Women’s contributions are countless and priceless. Try to recall our schooldays. We would not have been successful if not for our dedicated and committed teachers, who were mostly females.

Women play even greater roles in marriage. The births of babies can move husbands to tears and it is a joy to see children grow up to become good individuals, thanks to the mothers. Their struggles and sacrifices are remarkable and incomparable.

Women should not be downgraded and underestimated. Men who think women are the weaker sex must have forgotten about their own weaknesses and women’s inner strength. Those who think women are not able to lead must have forgotten the fact that everyone was born to lead. Those who think women are rich with emotions must have forgotten that emotions are God’s gifts that make humans special. Those who think women are complicated must have often taken things easy, not seriously. And those who think women can be easily manipulated must be living in the past, because women nowadays are smarter than men.

            Men who value a woman’s worth are better sons, brothers, husbands, uncles, fathers, friends and members of society. To all gentlemen, let us not wait until Woman’s Day or Mother’s Day to appreciate women who light up our lives, because we would not want to live in a dim world, even for a day.

Courtesy of New Straits Times
27 January 2015

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